
Master Class di Imaging del tubo digerente e del pavimento pelvico (II edizione)

Master Class di Imaging del tubo digerente e del pavimento pelvico (II edizione)
From 26/10/2017 to 28/10/2017

Online registration deadline: 25/10/2017

Course venue:
Polo Piagge
Via G. Matteotti, 3
56124 Pisa (PI)

Course is being credited by ECM
Prof. Emanuele Neri - Direttore del Corso

Organizing Secretariat and ECM Provider
First Class S.r.l.
Meetings and Conferences

Via L. Mascheroni 17 - 20145 Milano (MI)
Tel: +39 02 30066329
E-mail: michela.nardi@fclassevents.com;
Web: http://www.fclassevents.com

Warning: Deadline reached..
Subscriber Type
 (16/06/2017 - 26/10/2017)
Medico Socio SIRM
€ 320.00 

Medico non Socio SIRM
€ 400.00 

€ 150.00 

Fees are intended VAT excluded 22%
You can book a hotel room in the following hotel during the on-line registration process

Dear participant,
should the public institution You work for be in charge of Your registration to this congress, You are kindly required to follow the following registration methods.
You can proceed with the registration, choose Bank Transfer as the payment method, do not pay and, after Your registration has gone through, You can contact us with a specific message.
In order for Your institution to proceed with the payment it is mandatory for us to receive explicit written declaration from the PA(Public Administration) directed to First Class, in which they provide us with the following data:
  • Unique code aka IPA
  • Administration reference code (if existing)
  • Order form number (if existing)
  • VAT registration number
  • Social Security number
  • CIG
  • CUP
  • NSO

We kindly ask You to follow this procedure should an Italian public institution be in charge for Your subscription.
We are available should You need any kind of clarification.